Southland Girls’ High School has a unique curriculum which is recognised nationally for its innovation. There is a large list of subjects to choose from. All students decide which subjects they take at the end of each year. Depending on their interests needs and abilities students can choose their level of learning (extension, middle support) within a subject or if they are very good at a subject, they may take a subject a year level above. Each student Year 9-13 has an individualised timetable which is especially for them. It is exactly the same for International students.
International girls at Southland Girls’ High are prepared for entering universities either in New Zealand or elsewhere in the World.
Southland Girls’ High School offers both the NZ examinations NCEA, and also IGSE Cambridge exams are offered to Year 9 and 10 in English, Maths, Science, and Global Perspective.
Download our Curriculum Course Books
Click HERE for the Year 9-10 Subject Options Booklet for 2024
Click HERE for the Year 11-13 Subject Options Booklet for 2024
Cambridge exams at SGHS
Click HERE to read more about Cambridge Exams.
International Prospectus
Click HERE to view our Prospectus.
Participation in sports and outdoor education is an avenue for physical and social interaction outside the classroom. Southland Girls’ High School offers many physical activities to cater for the interests of students. Many girls, including international students represent our province and country in various competitions.
Aerobics | Badminton | Basketball | Cricket | Football |
Futsal | Gymnastics | Hockey | Rugby | Softball |
Squash | Table Tennis | Touch Rugby | Volleyball | Waterpolo |
Our Students excel in the Arts and perform successfully in National and local events.
Our Arts Curriculum reinforces the tradition of excellence in the visual arts, music, dance and drama.
Girls have the scope to explore and develop their talents and creativity, engaging in performance and achieving to high levels.
- Music classes and musical instrument learning opportunities
- Painting and printing
- Debating and public speaking
- Dance and dance recitals
- School Productions and drama recitals
- Theatretech – using lighting and computer equipment
- School Choirs: 3 choirs for the various age groups eg: Y7 + 8, Y9-13 and our elite choir, Femme
Not everyone plays sports or does cultural activities. Some students just want to support or help others. This can be done through such clubs.
Chess Club | Debating Club | Drama Club | Duke of Edinburgh | Global Minds Club |
Leo Club | Librarian | Maths Badge | SADD Club (Students Against Driving Drunk) | School Magazine |
Science Badges | Science Fair | SMAC Maths | Speech Competitions | Student Volunteer Army |