The Southland Girls’ High School PTA is a group of enthusiastic parents, who, together with representatives of staff, make up the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA is an active Committee who meet every second month during the school term.
The PTA provides an important link between parents and the school and is instrumental in providing fundraising support to the school community. Some of the activities the PTA are involved with include:
- New Entrants’ Open Day
- Supporting the Annual Colours Award night
- Gifting of the school wish list grants – these funds directly benefit your child(ren)
- Operating the second-hand uniform shop
If you would like to become involved with the school, the PTA would welcome your interest and support. You may like to assist by:
- Becoming a PTA Committee member
- Joining the list of PTA Volunteers (assist at Open Day and sales etc)
- Assisting with the second-hand uniform sales, on a rostered basis
Please contact Gretchen Ledington – PTA President, on the contact details below:
President | Gretchen Ledington | |
Treasurer | Rhiannon Robinson | |
Secretary | Susan Rohde | |
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator | Catherine McKenzie |
To view our 2nd hand Uniform Shop please contact Student Services to book an appointment time. Phone: 03 211 6030.
Any donations of good quality uniforms can be dropped into Student Services.