Congratulations on your child’s selection for one of our sports teams taking part in the Balmacewen Sports Exchange on Tuesday 23 July 2024.
For your child to attend this event please read through the following information and complete the permission and payment form due by Monday 22 July 2024.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please get in touch with Mrs Ashleigh Rabel, [email protected]
- Date: Tuesday 23 July 2024
- Venue: Balmacewen Intermediate School, 44 Chapman Street, Dunedin
- Who: Year 7/8 selected students. Netball, Basketball, Hockey, Football, Rugby and Badminton teams will be attending.
- Transport: Hockey teams will be transported by Bus with Balmacewen teams.
- Uniform requirements: correct SGHS PE Uniform, SGHS school jacket and sneakers. Spare warm clothing.
- Cost: $15.00 per student – full payment due by Monday 22 July 2024.
- Please note: Board financial procedure requires payment in full, by the due date for your child to purchase resources, participate in sports or attend trips/events. Payments received will be allocated to the oldest unpaid fees and charges owing on your child’s account first. Extra-curricular activities operate on a “pay before you play” policy.