Your child has expressed an interest to attend a Girls with Hi-Vis event run by Connexis and Meridan Energy. The event is being held at the Manapouri Power Station and provides students with an opportunity to gain a understanding on infrastructure Engineering processes at a large scale power plant.
Connexis are an infrastructure training provider that connects students with large scale companies in the Civil, Energy, Telecommunications and Water industries across NZ. They are passionate about getting more females into infrastructure trades and have aligned themselves with like-minded companies. This is an amazing opportunity for students who enjoy practical hands-on work or are unsure on their career pathway beyond school.
DATE: Wednesday 26th June 2024
LOCATION: Manapouri Power Station, West Arm, Fiordland
TIME: Leave SGHS at 7am – boat departs Pearl Harbour for West Arm at 9am and return approx 6pm to SGHS – depart Manapouri Power Station approx. 3.30pm;
TRANSPORT: Students will be driven to Manapouri by SGHS Staff in a rental vehicle. Once at Manapouri we will be transported to Manapouri Power Station on the Meridian Energy staff boat “Mararoa”. A full health & safety briefing will be covered off while on the boat;
ATTIRE: Warm clothing, layers if weather is changeable, rain jacket for boat ride. Sturdy covered shoes (Sneakers with grip are fine); Warm Clothing; Long hair fully tied back (not over the shoulder); Jewellery removed (esp. long earrings and necklaces); No Rings – working with hands.
- Please do not bring anything valuable that may get lost
- A light morning tea and lunch will be provided
- Bring some snacks and water to have in the car
- Ensure health/medical information up to date on Edge
This event contains risks, including tours of the Manapouri Power Station that involves machinery, travel , environmental hazards and possible injuries like strains, breaks and bruises. This event in managed by Connexions in conjunction with Meridian Energy. SGHS school staff will also be in attendance and will manage risk and hazards according to the school’s safety management plan. A copy of the Health and Safety plan will be provided by the host, as well as relevant safety equipment to be worn onsite. While risks can be maintained to acceptable levels they cannot be totally eliminated. Some risk is retained for its learning and experiential value. If you wish to come in to school to see our safety management systems or have any questions, feel free to contact Rachel Smith.
It is important for safety reasons that students follow instructions given to them by all staff and follow all appropriate school rules. Behaviour by students that is deemed dangerous and puts themselves and/or others at undue risk will result in students meeting with the Senior Leadership Team and whanau will also be advised.
Please note – this trip will not proceed if adverse weather conditions will make driving hazardous (e.g Snow or ice). SGHS will monitor weather conditions in the lead up to the trip, and a decision will be made around the safety of the students on 25/26th June if required. Parents/caregivers will be advised.
Please feel free to contact me at school with any queries 03 211 6030 ext 885 or via email [email protected]