New Zealand Secondary School Athletics Association Nationals
Date: 5th December – 8th December. Leave 9am meet at SGHS outside the front office, lunch stop in Dunedin and arrive at accommodation around 3.30-4.00pm. 6th and 7th Event Days. 8th Return to Invercargill immediately post last event, arrival back to SGHS approximately 10.30pm.
Accommodation: Farmyard Holiday Park, 50 Elmslie Rd, Geraldine
Travel Uniform: SGHS Red Tshirt, activity top (optional), jacket, navy trackpants and or shorts, casual closed in shoes
Competition Venue: Trust Aoraki Athletics SC All Weather track, Aorangi Park, Morgans Rd, Timaru
Cost: $439.00. This cost will cover travel, majority of food, accommodation, fuel and incidentals. To be paid by Monday 2 December
This event contains risks associated with travel and sport, including road travel and common injuries like strains, sprains and dislocations. The tournament is managed by the NZ secondary Schools Athletics Association and SGHS will help to manage risk and hazards according to the school’s safety management plan. This includes careful planning, following the itinerary and all accommodation and tournament procedures. While risks can be maintained to acceptable levels they cannot be totally eliminated. Some risk is retained for its learning and experiential value. If you wish to come into school to see our safety management systems or have any questions, feel free to contact me.
It is important for safety reasons that students follow instructions given to them by the coaches, managers and event officials and follow all appropriate school rules. Behaviour by students that is deemed dangerous and puts themselves and/or others at undue risk will be send home at the costs of the parents/caregivers.
Please pay and complete the permission form by Monday 2 December.
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