Year 7 Woodworks Guild
Last week the Year 7’s were lucky to have the Woodworkers Guild come in and help them make nesting boxes! They produced some amazing work
Leo Club
Just like that, we come to a close of the SGHS Leo Club and Waihopai City Lions efforts in supporting our local Southland Cancer Society.
Year 12 Agriculture Classes
We have had a busy couple of weeks with our Ag students at SGHS! Last week the Year 12 Agriculture class travelled to Telford –
Gold Student Volunteer Army Service Award
A big congratulations to Addy F who has earned her Gold Student Volunteer Army Service Award which was presented in assembly last Friday. She has
Y7-8 Speech Finalists
Our Year 7&8 speech finalists Georgia M, Charlee J, Melilah M, Meere K and Charlotte O competed in the Cluster Competition. We are incredibly proud
Art Exhibitions
More of our wonderful rangitahi doing impressive things in the creative world. Recent Art Exhibitions saw some great results for our emerging artists. Well done
Emerging Artist Award Exhibition
Congratulations to Hannah G who won the Emerging Artist Award at the recent Riversdale exhibition. Hannah came away with $1000 cash prize for her entry
Kumagaya Exchange Students
Today we welcomed our Kumagaya Exhange students! A pōwhiri was held for them in the hall along with their host sisters and Year 7 and
Year 7 and 8 Murihiku Marae Visit
This week our Year 7 & 8 classes visited Murihiku Marae where they had the opportunity to experience a snapshot of different Māori cultural games
SGHS/Tiwai Aluminium Shelter Partnership
On Tuesday afternoon this week, a group from the Tiwai Aluminium Smelter came to talk to the Year 13 Physics class about the SGHS/Tiwai Partnership
Year 12Agriculture Field Trips
The Year 12 Agriculture class has been on two field trips over the past couple of weeks. We have been looking at the environmental impact
Te Manu Kōrero Speech Competition
Mahi nui to Bailee C and Annaliese R who recently competed at Te Manu Kōrero Speech Competitions. Bailee delivered a speech about stress less, live