A day trip to Curio Bay to surf, swim and explore the local area. Adventure, exercise, surf safety, connection with local environment, AStd completion, and fun.
Date: Friday 15 November 2024 meet at SGHS Gymnasium at 8.50am return SGHS Gymnasium at approximately 4pm.
Transport: GoBus Vans
Clothing: Warm clothing/Towel/Personal Medication/Rainjacket/Comfortable walking shoes/Wetsuit (If you have one the surf school provides them)/hydration and food for the day.
Cost: $40.00 which covers Board and Wetsuit hire plus instruction from the Catlins Surf School. Due 1 Nov
Location: Curio Bay Area
This event contains risks, including swimming and surfing in open water. This event is supervised by school staff who will manage risk and hazards according to the school’s safety management plan. This includes weather analysis, inspection of surf prior to entry, briefing on safety in rips and undertows, marine mammal safety, all students in water to be in a wetsuit, close supervision whilst in the water. While risks can be maintained to acceptable levels they cannot be eliminated. Some risk is retained for its learning and experiential value. If you wish to come in to school to see our safety management systems or have any questions, feel free to contact Mr David Beadle on 03 2116030 or [email protected]
It is important for safety reasons that students follow instructions given to them by all staff and follow all appropriate school rules. Behaviour by students that is deemed dangerous and puts themselves and/or others at undue risk will result in non-participation in activities.
Please pay and complete the permission from by Friday 1 November 2024.