As part of your child’s NCEA Level 1 Physical Education course, they are required to participate in a number of practical sessions. These will primarily begin in Term 1 and will continue intermittently throughout the year.
These sessions will take place outside of the school grounds and during class time and include:
- Badminton – involves equipment and professional coaching
- Physical activities within the community including pool entry and swim, gym sessions and fitness classes, climbing, squash, cycling, yoga and bowling.
Transport: students and staff will be walking/running or transported by GOBus to the various venues.
Cost: $80.00 per student – full payment is due by Thursday 6 April 2023. This cost is over and above the normal costs associated with the curriculum.
Please note: School Policy requires payment in full for your child to be eligible to participate in these activities. Payments will be allocated to any unpaid fees and charges on your child’s account first.
Please complete the permission form below for your child by Thursday 6 April 2023
If you have any questions regarding this course please contact the Head of PE, Mr Dave Beadle: [email protected]