Permission Forms
EOTC Blanket Consent Form

This EOTC form is to cover events which occur during a school day. All sections must be completed in full by the second Monday of February each year, e.g. Monday 12th Feb 2024.

  • Visits to local schools for academic events [such as SMAC Maths and Speech competitions]
  • Use of Queens Park grounds for learning opportunities [managed by an onsite staff member]
  • Visits to local businesses for extension learning opportunities
  • Visits to SIT for learning extension opportunities
  • All events at Stadium Southland where Stadium staff have direct contact with students and are responsible for their physical welfare
  • Local Gymnasiums for sporting extension opportunities
  • Local sporting grounds [such as Hockey Turfs and Football grounds] for day events only. This form does not cover weekly sporting competitions, there will be specific permission forms for these competitions.
  • Driving Ranges and other sport specific institutions and locations
  • Local walking tracks that are deemed ‘low risk’ such as Daffodil Bay and Seaward Downs.
Where an event involves risk exposure greater than what would typically be the case at school, such as adventurous activities, hazardous environments or the event continues overnight, specific consent will be required. At the time of seeking further consents, you will also be asked to update the health and contact information held by the school.

It is important this form is completed by whānau at the start of the school year for their akongā to be able to participate in EOTC events. The details provided by you on this form remain confidential to school staff, contractors and volunteers who supervise activities on EOTC events held. All information provided must be accurate and completed in full, so we are able to plan appropriately for EOTC events.

We do require you to ensure that all health information and emergency contacts are kept up to date with Student Services throughout the year.

Privacy Statement: Please note: the personal information being collected on this form is for the purpose of running EOTC events. It won’t be used or disclosed for any other purpose except in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. You have the right under that Act to access and seek correction of the information from the school.

Student Information


EOTC Student Contract

To be read and signed by all participating students.

  • I understand that any EOTC event is an opportunity for me to learn, practise skills and gain attitudes and values in an environment outside the classroom.
  • I realise that this requires me to take on genuine responsibility for my own learning and the safety and that of myself and others.
I agree to do the following to make this happen:
  • Show courtesy and consideration for others; Follow the rules and instructions of staff and other supervisors at any event; Take part in all activities within challenge-by-choice options; Look after myself and my personal belongings; Declare medical conditions that could affect participation in the event; Accept the rules set by the school for any event.
I understand that my parent/caregivers will be contacted, and I may be sent home at their expense if:
  • My actions contravene school rules and significantly impact on the safety and wellbeing of myself and/or others.

Medical Consent for Child

In an emergency school may act on my behalf
  • School may administer pain relief
  • I agree that if prescribed medication needs to be administered, a designated adult will be assigned to do this. I will ensure that prescribed medication is clearly labelled, securely fastened and handed to the designated adult with instructions on its administration.
  • I will inform Southland Girls’ High School as soon as possible of any changes to my child’s medical requirements and/ or conditions that may affect their participation in EOTC events.
  • I agree to my child receiving any emergency medical, dental, or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
  • Any medical costs not covered by ACC, or a community service card will be paid by me.
Parent / Caregiver Name(Required)

Parent Consent

  • I agree to my child taking part in EOTC events. I acknowledge the need for them to behave responsibly.
  • I understand Southland Girls’ High School will identify any foreseeable risks or hazards and implement correct management procedures to eliminate or minimise those risks.
  • I understand that my child will be involved in the development of safety procedures. I will do my best to ensure that my child follows these procedures.
  • I acknowledge that to gain a better understanding of the risks involved, I can ask any questions of Southland Girls’ High School about the activities in which my child will be involved. I recognise that participation in such activities is voluntary and not mandatory. My child and I both understand that they may withdraw from the activity if they feel at risk. This must be done in consultation with the person in charge.
  • I understand that Southland Girls’ High School does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property (either my child’s property or damage to other’s property caused by my child) and that it is my responsibility to check my own insurance policy.
  • If my child is involved in a serious disciplinary problem, including the use of illegal substances and/or alcohol, or actions that threaten the safety of others, they will be sent home at my expense.
Parent / Caregiver Name(Required)

RISKS Disclosure

Weekly sports contains risks, including common injuries like strains, sprains, bruises and dislocations. These events are managed by the appropriate sporting body in conjunction with school staff who will manage risk and hazards according to the school’s safety management plan. This includes careful consideration of the risks, all risks will be outlined to the students. While risks can be maintained to acceptable levels they cannot be totally eliminated. Some risk is retained for its learning and experiential value. If you wish to come in to school to see our safety management systems or have any questions, feel free to contact Ashleigh Rabel 03 211 6030 or

It is important for safety reasons that students follow instructions given to them by all staff and follow all appropriate school rules. Behaviour by students that is deemed dangerous and puts themselves and/or others at undue risk will result in your child facing disciplinary actions on their return or sent home at the cost of the Whanau/parents or caregivers.

RISKS Disclosure

This event contains risks, including possible injuries. This event is managed by school staff or other organisations who will manage risk and hazards according to the school’s/organisation’s safety management plan. This includes careful consideration of all procedures while carrrying out the activites. While risks can be maintained to acceptable levels they cannot be totally eliminated. Some risk is retained for its learning and experiential value.

If you wish to come in to school to see our safety management systems or have any questions please phone 03 211 6030.


I understand that sports, trips, and extra-curricular activities are opportunities for me to learn, practice skills, and gain attitudes and values in an environment outside of the school.  I realise that this requires me to take on genuine responsibility for my own enjoyment and safety and that of others.

I agree to do the following to make this happen:

  • Show courtesy and consideration to others.
  • Follow the rules and instructions of staff and other supervisors at the events.
  • Look after myself and my personal belongings.
  • Declare medical conditions that could affect participation in the events.
  • Accept the rules set by the school for the events.
  • Take part in all activities within ‘challenge-by-choice’ options

I understand that my parents / caregivers will be contacted and I may be sent home at their expense if:

  • My actions are considered unacceptable by staff / supervisors of these events.
  • I breach the behaviour / discipline standards of the school.
  • My actions put me or others in any danger.

Book a Tour of Enwood House

Come and see all that Southland Girls’ High School offers boarders with a tour of Enwood House that allows you to see our facilities in action, while meeting the staff and the students.

To book in for a tour of the boarding house, please email Jenni Dennis, or telephone 03 211 6030.

Book a School Tour

Come and see all that Southland Girls’ High School offers students with a school tour that allows you to see our facilities in action, while meeting the staff and the students.

Student tour guides will answer questions and offer a student’s perspective, before meeting with a senior member of staff to discuss your child’s enrolment.

To book in for a tour of the school, please email Nicola Macpherson on or telephone 03 211 6030.

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